






what is density in physics

what is density in physics

Density, mass of a unit volume of a material substance. The formula for density is d = M/V, where d is density, M is mass, and V is volume. Density is commonly expressed in units of grams per cubic centimetre. For example, the density of water is 1 gram per cubic centimetre, and Earth’s density is 5.51 grams per cubic centimetre. Density can also be expressed as kilograms per cubic metre (in MKS or SI units). For example, the density of air is 1.2 kilograms per cubic metre. The densities of common solids, liquids, and gases are listed in textbooks and handbooks. Density offers a convenient means of obtaining the mass of a body from its volume or vice versa; the mass is equal to the volume multiplied by the density (M = Vd), while the volume is equal to the mass divided by the density (V = M/d). The weight of a body, which is usually of more practical interest than its mass, can be obtained by multiplying the mass by the acceleration of gravity. Tables that list the weight per unit volume of substances are also available; this quantity has various titles, such as weight density, specific weight, or unit weight. See also specific gravity. The expression particle density refers to the number of particles per unit volume, not to the density of a single particle, and it is usually expressed as n.

Confusion of mass and density. Objects have mass. Materials have density.
Density is the ratio of mass to volume for a material.
ρ = m

1000 kg/m3 = 1000 g/l = 1 g/cm3
Density of selected materials (~20 °C, 1 atm)

Density of selected materials (~20 °C, 1 atm)
material density
material density
acetone 790 kerosene 810
acid, acetic (CH3COOH) 1,050 lard 919
acid, hydrochloric (HCl) ???? lead 11,350
acid, sulfuric (H2SO4) 1,390 lithium 534
air, 100 K 3.556 lithium 6 deuteride 820
air, 200 K 1.746 lungs 400
air, 293 K 1.207 mayonnaise, traditional 910
air, 300 K 1.161 mayonnaise, light 1,000
air, 500 K 0.696 methane, gas, +25 °C 0.656
air, 1,000 K 0.340 methane, liquid, −90 °C 162
alcohol, ethyl (grain) 789.2 milk, cow, heavy cream 994
alcohol, isopropyl (rubbing) 785.4 milk, cow, light cream 1,012
alcohol, methyl (wood) 791.3 milk, cow, whole 1,030
ammonia 771 milk, cow, skim 1,033
aluminum 2,700 mercury 13,594
argon, gas, ~300 K 1.449 monosodium glutamate 1,620
argon, liquid, 87 K 1,430 nickel 8,900
beer, pilsner, 4 °C 1,008 nitrogen (N2), gas, ~300 K 1.145
benzene 870 nitrogen (N2), liquid, 74 K 808
blood 1,035 oil, vegetable, coconut 924
body fat 918 oil, vegetable, corn 922
bone 1,900 oil, vegetable, olive 918
butane 551 oil, vegetable, palm 915
butter 911 oil, vegetable, peanut 914
carbon 2,250 oil, vegetable, soya 927
carbon, diamond 3,539 osmium 22,500
carbon dioxide, gas, +25 °C 1.799 oxygen (O2), gas, ~300 K 1.308
carbon dioxide, solid, −78 °C 1,562 oxygen (O2), liquid, 87 K 1,155
copper 8,960 perchlorethylene 1,600
corn starch, loosely packed 540 platinum 21,450
corn starch, tightly packed 630 plutonium, α 19,860
corn syrup 1,380 salt (sodium chloride) 2,165
diesel 800 silicon 2,330
formaldehyde 1,130 silicon dioxide (quartz) 2,600
freon 12, liquid 1,311 silicone 993
freon 12, vapor 36.83 silver 10,490
gasoline 803 skin 1,050
glycerine 1,260 sodium bicarbonate 2,200
gold 19,300 sugar, sucrose 1,550
grain, barley 620 titanium 4,500
grain, corn, shelled 720 tungsten 19,300
grain, corn, ear 900 tungsten carbide (WC) 15,630
grain, flax 770 uranium 19,050
grain, millet 640 water, liquid, 100 °C 958.40
grain, oats 410 water, liquid, 50 °C 988.03
grain, rice, rough 580 water, liquid, 30 °C 995.65
grain, rice, hulled 750 water, liquid, 20 °C 998.21
grain, rye 720 water, liquid, 10 °C 999.70
grain, wheat 770 water, liquid, 4 °C 999.98
helium, gas, ~300 K 0.164 water, liquid, 0 °C 999.84
helium, liquid, 4 K 147 water, ice, 0 °C 916
hydrogen (H2), gas, 300 K 0.082 water, ice, -50 °C 922
hydrogen (H2), liquid, 17 K 71 water, ice, −100 °C 927
honey 1,420 water, sea 1,025
iron 7,870 water, saline (0.9 % NaCl) 1,004
iridium 22,400 zinc 7,140
Average density of some celestial bodies
object density
object density
earth, average 5,500 main sequence stars 5~5,000
earth, core 12,500 giant to supergiant stars 10−4~10−6
terrestrial planets  3,900~5,200 white dwarf star 105~109
jovian planets 600~1,600 neutron star 1017~1018
pluto 1,900 stellar mass black hole ~1018
comets ~600 supermassive black hole ~107
sun, average 1,400 observable universe ~10−26
sun, core 153,000

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