






what is plantation agriculture, What is plantation farming?

What is plantation farming?

Plantation farming is a form of commercial farming where crops are grown for the purpose of making profits. The fact that crops are grown for profits means that large tracts of land are needed to make this type of farming successful. This form of farming is mainly found in areas that experience tropical climate. Research has shown that many people don’t know the difference between plantation farming and other types of farming. In fact, most people usually think that they are the same. So to big question is; are there any differences between plantation farming and any other types of farming? The answer is YES and in this article, we are going to discuss major difference between plantation farming and other types of farming.

1. The yields produced is for commercial purpose

One of the main difference between plantation farming and other types of farming is that the main goal of plantation farming is that crop are grown for commercial purposes. That is not usually the case with other types of farming. In most cases, other types of farming such as subsistence farming usually produce yields that can be used for personal or small commercial use. However, that is not the case with plantation farming. The main aim of plantation agriculture is to produce crops that will be used for commercial purposes. Its aim to serve large market.

2. Only one type of crop is grown

Another main difference between plantation farming and other types of farming is that only one type of crop is grown. For instance, if the owner decides to plant wheat, the whole plantation will have wheat. Other crops will not be mixed. This strategy is usually used to enhance specialization and
productivity. It also help to reduce the cost of production.

3. Heavy capital outlay

Plantation farming is grown for commercial purposes. As a result, the capital is needed in order to make this projects success is high. This form of farming is labor intensive and highly mechanized. As a results, they require high capital outlay because cost of production is also high. However, that is not the case with other types of farming which require low capital outlays.

4. Farms are highly mechanized and scientifically managed

Plantation farming require large tracts of land. Managing huge tracts of land is not easy. It require efficient management in order to be successful. As a results, this type of farming is highly mechanized and scientifically managed. This helps to boost efficiency and production. However, that is not the case with other types of farming. In fact some types of farming such as subsistence farming usually use simple tools to cultivate

5. Farms are large

Plantation farming can only be successful if it is cultivated in large tracts of land. This is because this type of farming is meant to sustain huge population. Plantation farming requires more than 40 hectares in order to be successful. Other types of farming does not require huge tracts of land in order to be successful. Other types of farming can be done regardless of the size of the land available.

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